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15 Proven Scientific Tips to Sleep Better

Sound, restful sleep is a must for good health and happiness. But do you remember the last time you woke up feeling fresh and ready for the day? Can you fall asleep easily?


If you're unable to fall asleep easily and don’t wake up refreshed, you're not alone. Sleep issues affect many people. In fact, almost one-third adults don’t get enough sleep regularly.

Need better sleep?

If you wake up tired, it is affecting your overall health, productivity, mood and memory. You may be finding it hard to remember important things, or losing focus at work. It also affects your decision making. A lot of people who don’t sleep well may make poor food choices, or consume more alcohol.


To feel fresh and alert throughout the day, you need enough restful sleep at night. While there’s no magic formula, there are some simple things you can do to sleep better.

Create the right sleep environment in your bedroom

Your bedroom should be a place to rest and sleep and completely distraction-free.


* Your room should be cool and dark. You can use drapes or blinds to block any light coming in.

* Your room should be a quiet place. Some people prefer ‘white noise’ or ambient sounds to mask any external noises. Sleep music from the Sleep Solution Hubcan create a relaxing sleep atmosphere in your room.

* Select a sleep position that works for you. You need a comfortable bed and pillows. If you sleep on your back, use a thinner pillow but side sleepers should check whether their pillow comfortably supports the head, neck, and shoulders.

* Your bedroom should be organized and free from clutter.

* Select a hypoallergenic pillow if you suffer from allergies to prevent congestion and sniffles.

Wind down at the end of your day

At the end of a busy day, take time in the evening to unwind before you go to bed. Here are small changes you can make to wind down after a work day.


* Listen to soothing music. Classical music for sleep canreduce blood pressure and stress. It can help your mind quiet down and improve your mood. Sleep Solution Hub’s music has been designed to soothe.

* Dim the lights at home in the evening or light candles to create a calm setting. Indirect, soothing light doesn’t disrupt your natural circadian rhythm.

* Reduce caffeine and alcohol in the evening. Avoid heavy foods in the second half of the day.

* Spend some time outdoors in natural light early in your day. It maintains your body clock on a healthy sleep-wake cycle.

* Limit screen time in the evening.

* Practice a calming meditationor mindfulness to unwind after work.

How to de-stress and sleep better?

To sleep better and improve health, a busy mind riddled with worry and anxiety needs to calm down.


* Keep a gratitude journal. At bedtime, write down at least three things you are grateful about. Practicing gratitude can reduce  blood pressure, depression and anxiety, and prepare you for better sleep.

* Take a warm shower before bedtime to relax both the body and mind.

* Read a story book. Do not read on a screen but an actual book.

* Listen to soothing podcast, where calmingmusic guides you to de-stress and sleep. Try this music that promotes sleep state by Dr.Akinkuoye.