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Busting 7 Common Sleep Apnea Myths

If you are reading this, you have probably heard about sleep apnea. Myths and misconceptions about sleep apnea can stop you or a loved one from seeking treatment. It’s time to know the truth about sleep apnea and debunk these common myths, so you and your loved ones can sleep better.

Myth 1: Snoring means sleep apnea

Fact: While snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea, it’s not always true. Studies show that many adults who snore do not suffer from sleep apnea. Snoring may also be the result of vibration of the throat tissues due to congestion, soft palate, or even alcohol consumption. Obesity, hypertension and type 2 diabetes can also cause snoring.

Myth 2: Sleep apnea need not be treated

Fact: Sleep apnea is a serious issue. If you suspect or have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you must seek medical treatment. If left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to serious mental and physical health effects, such as stroke, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and depression. Do you know sleep apnea puts you at a higher risk of falling asleep while driving?

Myth 3: Sleep apnea doesn’t affect younger people

Fact: While sleep apnea is more common among older adults, it can impact anyone, including children.

Myth 4: Sleep apnea only affects overweight individuals

Fact: Although obesity and sleep apnea can be correlated, anyone can be affected by sleep apnea. Genetics may also play a role by contributing to a specific face shape.

Myth 5: Alcohol helps if you have sleep apnea

Fact: Many people think that alcohol helps them sleep faster and better. While some people may initially fall asleep sooner after consuming alcohol, the sleep quality is likely to be poor. Alcohol reduces REM sleep, so if you suffer from sleep apnea and consume alcohol before bed, you may feel more tired and not feel refreshed when you wake up.

Myth 6: It's not sleep apnea, it’s depression

Fact: Sleep apnea may lead to depression. Persistent lack of sleep caused due to sleep apnea can make you feel tired all the time. Mental health professionals may ask those who suffer from depression about their sleep habits. Addressing causes of poor sleep can help to improve depressive symptoms.

Myth 7: CPAP is embarrassing

Fact: CPAP devices have shown a great deal of improvement in both appearance and comfort. You can choose from a number of options and find what keeps you comfortable at night. Modern CPAP machines are quiet and efficient. In fact, when you get quality sleep during the night with CPAP, you would look better during the day.

There may be myths and misconceptions out there about sleep apnea and we are happy to share the truth on all of them. If you have been having trouble falling or staying asleep through the night, book a consultation at Sleep Solution Hub with the best sleep doctor in Massachusetts, Dr. Akinkuoye at 508-720-4995. Dr. George Akinkuoye offers online, individual and group therapy sessions for patients struggling with sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, insomnia, and poor sleep habits.