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Can stress cause sleep apnea?

Stress and sleeping issues are often correlated. The stress that accumulates throughout the day can impact your sleep, leading to serious health issues later. Stress and anxiety can give rise to restlessness and fear, and eventually sleep issues.

Stress and Sleep

Stress affects almost all aspects of your physical and mental health – from your ability to stay focused to feeling fresh energy throughout the day. Stress can sap your motivation, making you feel lethargic and demotivated. This can lead to an inability to relax and sleep. While a little stress can make you get up and act, too much can overwhelm the body and disrupt normal life.

Stress and Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is mostly based on physical and biological factors but stress and anxiety play a big role in the development of sleep apnea. It is possible that excessive or ongoing stress, anxiety, or symptoms of PTSD can cause someone to develop sleep apnea.


A diagnosis of sleep apnea can be unsettling. But rest assured that effective treatment solutions are available. With the correct diagnosis and treatment by an expert, such as Dr. George Akinkuoye, you will be able to sleep better at night – literally!

Stress Reduction

Constantly worry is sleep’s biggest enemy. You may also need a lifestyle change to overcome worry and anxiety. Your doctor will recommend relaxation exercises to reduce your stress. Practicing such treatments with any sleep apnea treatments can help you sleep peacefully through the night.

Positive Mental Health Relaxation Series

A highly effective and progressive option for you is the Positive Mental Health Relaxation Series that lets you change the way you feel by changing the way you think. Music vibrations can change your body and brain chemistry, helping you sleep so much better at night.


Don’t let stress take charge of your life. If you are experiencing sleep related problems, book a consultation with Dr. George Akinkuoye at Sleep Solution Hub right away.