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Is there such a thing as Sleep Music?

 “Is it possible to sleep better with music?”

“Is music for sleep overrated?”

“Can music help with my insomnia?”

Let’s find out!

It is a well-established scientific fact that restful sleep of 6-8 hours every night is essential for physical and mental well-being. A healthy sleep schedule refreshes you and makes you feel more energetic through the day.

Unfortunately, a third of American adults sleep less than the recommended duration and almost half of all adults say they feel sleepy throughout the day. Things have only gone from bad to worse during and after the COVID 19 pandemic. More people now suffer from insomnia due to the sudden change of lifestyle, like working from home and reduced physical activity.

So, we know that we are sleeping less and worse. But how do we change that without harming ourselves further?

Sleep Music

Yes, sleep music exists.

A relaxed mind is important for restful sleep, and one of the easiest ways to achieve this iswith the right music. Keeping the phone away and taking a break from social media is a good first step.

It is also important to note that not all music is good for sleep.The music you choose can make a difference to your experience. Avoid high beats per minute songs and aggressive or loud genres.

If you are struggling with sleep issues, regularor even your favorite music maynot help you sleep. You need music that isproven to be effective in achieving the result. Sleep music is designed to safely use ambient sounds that help the mind relax and create a sense of calmness and peace.

Positive Mental Health Relaxation Series Music by Dr. George Akinkuoye can promote sleep by changing the way you think and feel, thereby changing body and brain chemistry and helping you sleep better.

If you or a loved one is experiencing insomnia, sleep apnea, or another type of sleep disorder, book a consultation with Dr. George Akinkuoye at Sleep Solution Hub or call 508-720-4995 or write to