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Sleep Problems in Women


Women everywhere complain of exhaustion and lack of enough, restful sleep is one of the biggest problems, women are dealing with.


Every one of us may have trouble sleeping from time to time. But there are some differences when it comes to sleep problems, between women and men.


Some disorders affect women differently or more severely, for example –


·         Sleep apnea – signs of snoring and inability to breathe properly throughout the night


·         Insomnia – prevents women from being able to sleep properly at night, whether it is stress or responsibilities


It is known that women deal with more sleep issues than men. It is mostly because of issues, like PMS, pregnancy, menopause, and other hormonal changes and imbalances. All these can throw the body off schedule, confusing the mind when it is time to sleep.


Fortunately, valid treatment solutions available.


If you’re sick and tired of being exhausted and unable to sleep all the time, it is imperative that you start focusing on sleep and better health.


While rebuilding good sleep habits is easier said than done, small adjustments can help you ease you into more sleep-filled nights. Of course, you will want to make an appointment with your mental health clinician who specializes in sleep, such as Dr. George Akinkuoye, for a customized treatment plan.


In the meantime, here are some simple changes you can make easily –


·         Keep your bedroom cool, clean and dry

·         Have a favorite pillow to sleep

·         Avoid coffee, alcohol or heavy foods after 6 p.m.

·         Put all screens away at least 30 minutes before bed

·         Develop a bedtime routine and stick to it


Women are at a higher risk for sleep disorders as compared to men. If you are dealing with symptoms of insomnia, or sleep apnea, visit an expert for effective treatments that will help you get your life back on track.


If you are experiencing sleep related problems, book a consultation with Dr. George Akinkuoye at Sleep Solution Hub right away.