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What type of Music can help you sleep better?

Music can inspire, soothe and motivate you. But music can also help you feel relaxed and at ease. Did you know musicis also an effective solution to improve your ability to fall asleep easily and have a restful sleep?

Can music help me sleep better?

Babies are exposed to the benefits of music as parents use lullabies and gentle humming to help them fall asleep. Studies show that children show significant improvement in sleep quality after listening to soothing music.

The good news is that the sleep benefits of music are not limited to children. All age groups can achieve better sleep quality after listening to calming music. Another study showed that adults who listened to music before going to sleep reported better sleep quality, longer sleep duration, less sleep disturbance and reduced daytime dysfunction.


Music can also help you fall asleep faster as well as improve sleep efficiency. In other words, you have a restful sleep, without interruptions.

How to use music to ensure good sleep?

All music is not good for the sleep benefits discussed above. One of the most significant factors in selecting music that can help you sleep is your musical preferences and establishing a sleep routine.


The music should be gentle and soothing, just like a lullaby. That’s why it is great idea to check out the Sleep Inducing Lullaby in Style and Positive Mental Health Relaxation Series by Dr. George Akinkuoye. Dr. Akinkuoye believes that music vibrations can change your body and brain chemistry, including helping you sleep easily and achieving restful, sound sleep.


Here are a few tips to use music to develop a healthy sleep routine.


* Routine is a must for good sleep. Go to bed at the same time every day.

* Use the bed only to sleep. Avoid taking your work or laptop to the bed.

* Establish your own evening rituals to allow your body and mind to relax, like a warm bath and listening to calming music.

* Avoid music that may evoke strong emotional reactions. Try neutral or positivemusic.

* Avoid AirPods or headphones to prevent damage to the ear. Set up a small speaker at a low volume, close to your bed.


If you or a loved one is experiencing any sleep related problems, book a consultation with Dr. George Akinkuoye at Sleep Solution Hub or call 508-720-4995 or write to