Sleep Hub

Trying too hard to sleep? Waking up tired? When was the last time you woke up feeling refreshed?

If those questions ring a bell, know you're not alone.

Millions of Americans have to drag themselves out of bed in the morning because of lack of enough good-quality sleep at night, which means they don’t feel good during the day either.

It can leave you feeling drowsy and sap your productivity, even harm your overall health.

What most people do not know is poor sleep is both a cause and an effect of excessive stress. Too much stress can leave you tossing and turning under the covers, leading to mental and physical health issues which, leads to even more stress. And the cycle goes on.

Dr George Akinkuoye harnesses the power of vibrations and music to change your body and brain chemistry and help you sleep.


"It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it"

—John Steinbeck
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Dr. George Akinkuoye (PMHNP-BC, APRN, MSN, DNP)

At Sleep Solution Hub, Dr. George Akinkuoye brings together the science of sleep medicine and wellness to help you fulfill your sleep needs and overcome sleep disorders. As a mental health professional specializing in sleep, he uses his extensive knowledge and experience in sleep medicine to provide you tools and resources, and to grow a community that can achieve a better quality of life through better sleep. He has helped individuals, corporations, students and athletes improve their performance through improved sleep.

“Anyone can escape into sleep, we are all geniuses when we dream, the butcher’s the poet’s equal there.”

—Emile M. Cioran


Sleep-related disorders are on the rise and many illnesses are connected to unhealthy sleep patterns. But the real culprit is stress. Dr. Akinkuoye will help you learn how to prevent and manage stress during the day to improve your overall health and wellness and to enable you to sleep better at night. You can trust Dr. Akinkuoye with any of your sleep disorder care. Get help from the best sleep doctor Massachusetts has to offer with sleep hub expert Dr. Akinkuoye.

Dr. George Akinkuoye offers online, individual and group therapy sessions for patients struggling with sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, insomnia, and poor sleep habits. If you have been having trouble falling or staying asleep through the night, book a consultation at Sleep Solution Hub.

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    Online Therapy

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    Group Therapy

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    Individual Therapy

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Have any questions feel free to contact with us


450+Patients Are Recovered

“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.”

—Thoman Dekker


Positive mental health through music

“I think sleep’s really Important. I value it as much as waking up and having a full day.”

—Jena Malone


Latest News and Updates

“I’m always on the go. I love doing things until I hit rock bottom. Then I need my 12 hours of sleep, and I’m on the go again.”

—Maria Sharapova


What our clients Say!

  • The Positive Mental Health Relaxation Series and Sleep Spindle Adjuster has changed my life forever! Not only do I sleep better but now I also have the energy to do more in my day. Thank you, Dr. George Akinkuoye for creating these amazing products!

    Erika Dean
  • I couldn’t sleep through the night and as a result, I used to feel groggy through the day. I didn’t want to be dependent on pills either. Since I started using the Positive Mental Health Relaxation Series, I don’t wake up even once during the night. I am able to cope well with my job and come back home happy. I recommend the series to anyone who is having trouble sleeping well

    Lisa Samson
  • I never realized how important sleep is till I started losing it. Staying indoors through the pandemic made it worse. Thanks to the therapy sessions with Dr. Akinkuoye, I am able to now follow a healthy routine, eat properly and sleep peacefully. Please consult him if you or a loved one is facing any sleep issues.

    Jeff Bell